The end of First Kings (and beginning of Second Kings) is filled with stories only a political scientist or adventurer at heart would love. Rise to power, miracles, some Baal worship for fun, bonfire of the bulls, a little slaughter of priests, party at Jezreel and a nice rain shower, greed in the vinyard, political assassination that leads to public death, yeay! Wine!, some more prophecy, all ending in one big circus of war where kings die, kings ascend to power, prophets prophesy, and one old trollop lady gets trompled by horses then eaten by dogs. And that's just Elijah's story.
Who wouldn't love the old testament?
I am constantly amazed at the continual disobedience of the people of Israel. Granted, the warnings were probably not always eminent. But truly, how can a people, chosen by God himself, blessed with promises by covenant with David, who are ensured land for all eternity, forget, especially given everything these people had suffered over the generations. Was the message of God not before them in daily life? If not, why not? And if so, how could one so easily choose to disregard what was known to be true?
Today the message of Christ's love is drowned out by Jay-Z, 50 Cent and Britney Spears (the top three videos on MTV's website as of this moment). Middle aged adults huddle around their brand new HDTVs purchased not for gaming but so that Lou Dobbs or O'Rieley come in crystal clear. Tweens stumble upon themselves to get the newest gear that makes them appear to be the closest thing to a rock star. Young adults wander around bumping into things, their i phones in hand, emailing, tweeting, plurking, surfing, wiki-ing, playing with their dashboard and Djing from their hand held devices. In all the noise, where is God? Were the Ancients like this too? Distracted? Was Baal their version of Apple?
The World’s Fear Of The Truth-Telling Soul
4 months ago
1 comment:
I think the idea of instant gratification definitely has something to do with it. If we're told to behave well so that our reward will come to us in eternity, but we're also told if we behave a certain way we'll be rewarded instantly with pleasure, or some cool new gadget, it's so tempting to go with what's right in front of you verse what you believe won't really come for... well, a reallly long time.
You're definitely right, though, it seems so clear that time and time again, God does save, rescue comfort, etc God's chosen people. Why can't we get our acts together and believe it already?
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