We have attempted in class to set the time frame in order. More than once. Several times actually. My notes resemble smothered and scattered fries at the Waffle House. The triple order. Smothered. Covered. Chunked. Diced. Peppered. Capped. Topped. In other words, "All the Way" with a sweet tea chaser.
To date, this is the best I can offer...
- Once upon a time there was a kingdom named Israel
- The Assyrians take Israel. (722)
- Then there were two parts (why?) - North and South; Israel and Judah; Samaria and Jerusalem.
- Judah was initially left alone. The Assyrians eventually take Judah, and look towards Jerusalem.
- Jerusalem stood (with water); Hezekiah gave tribute and was left to stand alone.
- Along came Babylon who took Assyria, thereby taking Nineveh. (612)
- People rejoiced! People breathed. There was hope.
- Josiah comes along... And does what exactly?
- 586/7 Babylonians take Assyrians & Jerusalem; Enter The Exile
- 539 Persia takes Babylon (Cyrus); End of The Exile
- 515 Jews rebuild the second temple
- 332 Enter the Greeks who take Persia (Alexander the Great); Antiochus IV succeeds him
- 167 Antiocus IV desecrates the second temple (and sells off the priest seat); Rumour of his death leads to Maccabean revolt; hellenism instituted
- 164 Antiocus IV kicks the bucket; end of the Maccabean revolt; BIG party in the temple (okay, maybe not IN the temple...)
But the rest of this - what a mess. Feel free to pass along your two cents. There might just be some hashbrowns in it for you!
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